以上が『ハースストーン』に様々な情報をオーバーレイ表示する「Hearthstone Deck Tracker」の導入方法と使い方になります。 個人的に便利過ぎて手放せない必須ツールなので、もし『ハースストーン』を遊ぶ際は利用してみて下さい。Hearthstone Deck Tracker and Firestone, which one would you recommend and why ? I heard that HDT locks some features behind a paywall, sounds awful, although I don't know what features those are so I can't really tell if it's impactful, either way, it'd make me skew towards Firestone but it seems a lot less popular and I'd imagine there's a. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score; vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Live [GOLD] vS. The floating reconnect button now changes its state to "Disconnected" after it has been activated. The simplest way to explain what the Firestone App is, would be to compare it to the other popular Hearthstone tool, Hearthstone Deck Tracker. LIMIT_73 1 yr. Get advice from HearthArena's groundbreaking algorithm and start tracking your arena runs and decks automatically. I didn't want to make a fix if the game itself would be fixed soon, because this would increase the spaghetti -ness of. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. Welcome to the 239 th edition of the Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. Get PC download link. Firestone has some cool features that HSDT lacks, but one critical miss for me: deck management. I'll show you how. Thanks in advance. Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. I open mine & if it doesn’t update, I close it again. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #279. Every class has got some incredible cards coming in the newest Hearthstone set. HDT can get you personal collection and game stats via HSreplay, Firestone has achievements and looks pretty. Installing the plugin is very easy and will. I read somewhere online that it was a very good arena helper tool, and plus it uses HDT which is a very good deck tracker itself, better than any other I've tried. The logs generated by HDT are found in. Maruhai. HearthSim / Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker Public. Welcome to the 1 st edition of the Classic Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our. Overall I like them both. g. It's less about them showing the win percentages of various heroes and fights, but being able to see the composition of people you've faced before is just objectively stronger than not being able to. If it does not, you can click here to download it. Well, the Pity Timer is the way Hearthstone assures you that you can't be too unlucky. So OBS should see Firestone while you have focus on HS. As I understand it, HDT and Firestone are very similar in functioning. Download Hearthstone Deck Tracker « Back to the office. HearthArena is a great tool for deckbuilding. Good players win more, because they have the average luck combined with skill and knowledge. March 20, 2022. June 8, 2023. Select [Hearthstone Deck Tracker. Start OBS. However, only Hearthstone Deck Tracker has an add-on for arena. This can be done using Firestone, which provides us with all its user data (with an option to opt out). PrismChaos • 3 yr. I do! I use Hearthstone Deck Tracker, and have been for a long time now (about two years). Hey Max. See if the option "No Deck Mode" is checked. A Deck for every class ahead of March of the Lich King release. Without the community’s contributions, there would be no project. Albeit with limited features (no collection updates, no rank detection, and there's a small delay before showing you the decklist). It keeps track of your runs and shows you your arena average winrate (total and with each class). MirrorShroud-1897 October 6, 2020, 12:16am #2. I wish hearthstone decktracker had all the same functionality, but they haven't anything new lately. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score; vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Live [GOLD] vS Live App. 1 Righteous Protector 2 CORE; 1 Sanguine Soldier 2 CORE; 1 Sinful Sous Chef. That means you can now make a 30 card deck with one card from each expansion/set. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score; vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper. To import a deck, click on the image and copy the deck code. October 12, 2023. RduLIVE uses Firestone to track decks and card collection, spot new and exciting cards, and complete custom achievements in Hearthstone. So yes, deck trackers are OK to use. I've been using HS pack tracker for a while and it sucks to have to start from zero again. 6. With its very solid 55. They are even highlighted, if you hover over Tess or Contraband Stash. Way better. Not that HSDT is great in that department, but at least it offers card. HeartArena is good. If running Hearthstone as the admin doesn’t work straight away, you might want to try rebooting the entire thing instead. They're both fine and share most of the relevant functions. If you don't use a deck tracker, I don't think there's a way of doing it. Without the community’s contributions, there would be no project. Welcome to the 276th edition of the Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so [Read More…]Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a free app to help you play like the pros. Copy Deck. Single List; By Card Roles; 1 Awakening Tremors 2 CORE; 1 Batty Guest 2 CORE; 1 Thornmantle Musician 2 CORE; 1 Trinket Tracker 1. The game has a game mode called Arena. And even if that number lowers a bit as we look at the higher ranks, the deck still boasts a very respectable 53% in the Top 1. r/hearthstone A chip A chipHDT (or hearthstone deck tracker) is the tracker you're looking for. A super simple and convenient tool for keeping track of heartstone matches results. Share Your Data. . Without the community’s contributions, there would be no project. Muy buenas viking@s, os traigo una breve guía de cómo tener configurado tu deck tracker para el uso diario y algunas de las opciones que ofrece la herramient. Good on firestone for making something so basic and simple available. Also what is the best arena tracker to use, similar to the one kripp uses. Welcome to the 265 th edition of the Data Reaper Report! This is the first report following the release of the Audiopocalypse mini-set. Hsreplay. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Heartstone Deck Tracker isn't known for being "really fast". I've been wanting to get into regular hearthstone for a while, but don't have a good deck. Completed Google search without much success in a recent (i. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Share Your Data. Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so [Read More…] Analysis vS Data Reaper Report #276 Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a standalone utility built from the ground up by the open-source community to enable all players of popular PC free-to-play online digital collectible card game Hearthstone to become better players. Deck. Apprenez enfin à maîtriser la pouissance de Hearthstone deck tracker en 2021 : Une vidéo longue et chiante 😍-----. So OBS should see Firestone while you have focus on HS. Welcome to the 264 th edition of the Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. CryptoFirestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. All the best!In the meantime you can give Firestone a try, version 7. Overall I like them both. Mobius Free. Share Your Data. Including Legacy/Core, TITANS marks the 30th set of cards in Hearthstone. I haven’t tried others. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score; vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Live [GOLD] vS Live App. [Firestone users only] | /r/hearthstone | 2023-01-05. why their live stats are so incredibly awful and unintuitive and such an awful gui. . Track your decks, explore collections and master pack openings. #battlegrounds #rdu #hearthstoneThe deck tracker Rdu uses is available here! – out my social media at:★ Twitter. Don't use firestone, it comes with bloatware that will noticably slow your pc. 1 Sir Finley, Sea Guide CORE; 2 Defile 2 CORE; 2 Drain Soul 2 CORE; 2. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. it can do many other things such as track the age of cards in their hand so you can tell if they've been holding a card all game, track Galakrond invokes, etc. There are two options: Use a short time filter (like last 3 days), so that all the older data is ignored. Today, if you're interested in super detailed stats, HSReplay is probably the best for you. To Track your cards and have your deck displayed Streamers & Content Creators use the Hearthstone Deck Tracker cause it works and thats what its for. Reply . Installing the plugin is very easy and will only take a couple of minutes of your time. NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. 000 Legend ranks. I don't think there's a single program that handles both, unfortunately. The main reason I and lots of others dislike Firestone is because it comes paired with the awful Overwolf application, which is slow and eats a lot of ram. Simply close Hearthstone and HDT. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Le deck tracker le plus populaire reste Hearthstone Deck Tracker. Afaik Firestone isn't separating itself from the game as Deck Tracker. Compliant with Blizzard's ToS | doesn't support Mac. Secret Arcane Hunter. Firestone would be the best if it didn't run through Overwolf. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. The Firestone Binder will track all your open packs, so. ago. Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a free app to help you play like the pros. Decktrackers makes winning more luck and less skill, than without it. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. HSreplay. Wiki. . ooopsmymistake • 8 mo. Copy Deck. That’s why I’m using Firestone. Fixed an issue where Plagues were not correctly added back to the deck when Helya is in play. March 23, 2023. Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. Here are some of the main advantages of using Firestone Hearthstone: A powerful deck tracker Firestone Hearthstone helps you play better by showing you useful information during a match. pakk-11521 October 6, 2020, 12:29am #3. In fact quite a few people do that. June 8, 2023. Our software library provides a free download of Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1. I totally understand people not wanting to use Overwolf, but reading that it fucked your PC worries me. and yeah, stats will be a bit off, but for me personally that isn't a big. Hi. Personalized statisticsDeck winrates and arena runs. Vicious Syndicate’s Data Reaper is the first report in the Hearthstone scene that maps the data based on actual games played. May 4, 2023. r/hearthstone. The Firestone App is part of the multi-game overlay tool Overwolf. Which are the best open-source Hearthstone projects? This list will help you: Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker, HSTracker, fireplace, Arena-Tracker, hsdata, SabberStone, and python-hearthstone. Share Your Data. Share Your Data. Share Your Data. This time there will be more decks of expected T4-T2 levels. thanks man, and yea that would be a nice addition cus I feel like a lot of players could improve with one but just don’t know about them. So ever since I installed Firestone to track my pity timer, I have been getting horrible horrible lag and stuttering, and also these icons to the right of the screen showed up: They remain there even after I uninstalled Firestone, Overwolf and reinstalled Hearthstone itself. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Welcome to the 265th edition of the Data Reaper Report! This is the first report following the release of the. Single List; By Card Roles; 1 Arcane Shot 2 CORE; 1 Awakening Tremors 2 CORE; 1 Bunch of Bananas 2 CORE; 1 Ricochet Shot 2. And a tracker/summary available. Share Your Data. Mercenaries released one week ago, and I have been improving Firestone to add support for the new mode ever since. Knowing you have to get your defensive tools because the enemy Druid has 30 cards definitely makes you more likely to win. Without the community’s contributions, there would be no project. Edit: the quests + the armor system is a very good system to balance all heroes. Today I talk about what Deck Tracker I used for HearthstoneWhat are the pros and cons of each deck tracker? What do I use?Chapters: Firestone 00:00:00 - 00:1. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. i just tryed firestone it show collection but not show how much dust needed for full set and for each xpack how much dust needed for full xpack setHere is a FULL setup video for the Hearthstone Battlegrounds tracker/overlay/addon/bob's buddy/whatever you want to call it from HSreplay. Firestone has more features for tracking your games and more detailed statistics which is awesome, but it's such a pain to use. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020). vS Data Reaper Report #228 . 3 Likes. New comments cannot be posted. Alex Zeier is the creator of Hearthstone Deck Tracker, widely considered the go-to tool for players looking to boost their percentages on ladder. Welcome to the 31st edition of the Wild Data Reaper Report! The data presented in this article was collected following the release of Onyxia’s Lair. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #279. Compliant with Blizzard's ToS | doesn't support Mac. A Powerful Deck Tracker. It would be fixed in a matter of days. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #279. Excavate Rommath Mage. Share Your Data. kripp uses the one made by heartharena. Oh ok, my mistake then. Share Your Data. Download. . In the meantime you can give Firestone a try, version 7. Fascinatingly, this year we have some data from the Firestone deck tracker developer which breaks down the games and hours played by mode. Alternatively, you can contribute data through our Hearthstone Deck Tracker plugin. If you want to pay for something try the gold subscription for vicious syndicate which is $1 more expensive and it's honestly great. Aggro Outcast Demon Hunter – #139 Legend (R7tw) – Wild S108. Bob’s Buddy is included with Hearthstone Deck Tracker ( Download Now) that helps players better understand how likely they are to win, lose or tie each combat round in Battlegrounds and their relative strength to other players in the lobby. Valheim Genshin. Find out why Firestone is the best Hearthstone companion app for you. Download it now to get these must-have features: Capa dentro del juegoDeck, hand, secret tracking & more. For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone. 1 Always a Bigger Jormungar 2 CORE; 1 Awakening Tremors 2 CORE;Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. So yes, deck trackers are OK to use. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. This can be done using Firestone, which provides us with all its user data (with an option to opt out). but its all subjective as theres so many and they all do the same thing with different. First of all, if you want to dive right in - you can find Coliseum (the online replay viewer). Without the community’s. The miniset has arrived and a balance patch is already on the way! A certain Old God is taking over, but there’s an even bigger monster at top. functional) guide. Explore advanced statistics about decks and cards based on millions of games per week. If I could just tell Firestone that I have an AoO legendary coming in 17 packs I would be happy. 6. hell-schwarz • 4 mo. Maruhai. Firestone dev here: indeed there is no Arena tier list, and probably won't for a while. It all began in February 2016, when we began recruiting a large group of players in the vS community, most of whom are high-level players, and whose games we tracked via the Track. 0 Aquatic Form 2 CORE; 0 Innervate 2 CORE; 1 Forest Seedlings 2. [deleted] • 2 yr. Copy Deck. Copy Deck. Today I talk about what Deck Tracker I used for Hearthstone. However, the app itself lags every few seconds to load another ad, so it's taking FOREVER to just browse around to find it. Single List; By Card Roles; 0 Dispose of Evidence 2 CORE; 0 Through Fel and Flames 2 CORE; 1 Frequency Oscillator 2 CORE; 1 Illidari. Firestone is far superior than hs deck tracker (iv used decktracker for 5 years) and I switched to firestone this year and it is amazing. Give them time to update it Reply sebZeroToHeroes • Additional comment actions. Now you can add disconnect button into Hearthstone Deck Tracker (HSReplay. Compliant with Blizzard's ToS | doesn't support Mac. Hey r/hearthstone, Stonekeep from Hearthstone Top Decks here and I'm back with another deck roundup. Thanks! VS doesn't have a tracker, but it uses data from the Firestone tracker and the HSreplay tracker. Dans cette vidéo je vous montre un outil super utile pour jouer à Hearthstone: Le Deck Tracker. Long awaited feature: Hearthstone Deck Tracker now shows hero and quest stats on the overlay. Notifications. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. Features. I am Seb, the dev behind Zero to Heroes and Firestone. Plugin for DeckTracker. HeartArena is good. For example: - for mercenary X last completed was task 3. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. Locks up all the time, wastes resources like a government & tons of bugs. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. March 30, 2023. Faceless Enrage Warrior. Hearthstone Deck Tracker added a much needed experience overlay on the main screen. This will open a Github site where you can find Pack Tracker which will track all cards you get from packs (including pity timers). " Dunno where to go for Firestone, since I don't use it. "The Deck Tracker started out as a tool to count. However, there might be a difference in how tiers are assigned. I claim that decktrackers changes that to 70% luck and 30% skills. I'd recommend Firestone app if you don't mind have a bunch of windows that you have to swap between. Copy Deck. It allows you to review and share replays of your games with other players. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. Killuminati-11956 August 19, 2020, 7:17pm #3. Today I talk about what Deck Tracker I used for HearthstoneWhat are the pros and cons of each deck tracker? What do I use?Chapters: Firestone 00:00:00 - 00:1. Discuss news, fresh artwork, pulls, tourney reports, deck ideas and anything else you have on your mind!Thijs uses Firestone to track decks and card collection, spot new and exciting cards, and complete custom achievements in Hearthstone. Hey, Firestone dev here. Follow me on Twitch: Hearthstone Deck Tracker Is Cheating? Here Is Why! I obviously love Hearthstone Deck. g. Installing the plugin is very easy and will only take a couple of minutes of your time. 66. Its an absolute shame that you need a 3rd party app in order to enjoy a proper experience in hearthstone. What are the pros and cons of each deck tracker? What do I use? Chapters: Firestone 00:00:00 – 00:12:25 HDT 00:12:25 – 00:14:00 What I use 00:14:00 – 00:17:35. dll - HSReplay API Library (HSReplay) HearthWatcher. Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, [Read. Enable Capture Cursor. 6. But the tracker part (your own decklist, opponent's hand tracker, opponent deck tracker) is functional since. But if you use same account it should sync it. View. sebZeroToHeroes. The official line is that Blizzard is OK with deck trackers precisely because you can do the same thing a deck tracker does by using pen and paper (although of course, deck trackers are more efficient). save. Might aswell try it for yourself and see if you notice anything. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Outcast Aggro Demon Hunter – #301 Legend (HoomanTheHuman) – Wild S107. Evolve your Hearthstone experience. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Right click the HDT Overlay source you just added and select Filters. Coins. Besides introducing Naga to. cynerjetic • 2 yr. NET Framework is of an older version then HDT won’t work. When I tried to resize it it only lets me resize it the long way from top to bottom like moving it up or down which wasn't my problem its that the overlay is too wide now and it. Budget Hearthstone. So, while statistically, you could open 60 packs without a Legendary dropping. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #279. Best. it might get your bnet account banned as well, because it uses direct 3d injection into the game to read the cards, instead of parsing a log file. vS Data Reaper Report #265 . 2020-06-04 11:11. Hearthstone Nos jeux. Copy Deck. Deck tracker just went freemium for battlegrounds (which I play as much as standard) so Firestone it is for me . Any suggestion would be really appreciated. It was causing fps drops with my old cpu, it is fine now but this time getting too much deck couldn't find warnings. since this is a fairly comprehensive backend change to hearthstone (engine upgrade) it could easily take longer to get the extension working. . dll. It helps players keep track of their cards, enemy cards and even deck statistics—making it the vital add-on for anyone looking to put serious hours into Hearthstone. September 25, 2023. I would use another decktracker if there is a proper one but even Firestone is not good enough. The deck tracker devs don’t get advance access to the patch. [Classic] vS Meta Score [Classic] vS Power Rankings; Data Reaper Podcast; Data Reaper Report. these conflicting forces result in a visualization where core class cards shared by most decks (e. It helps but I honestly think the free version is almost as good. Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks!Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards Pack Opener Deckbuilder Standard Mode Wild Mode Twist Mode Arena Simulator Secrets Calculator TITANS Card List & Release Date Build a Deck Expansions Caverns of Time Goblins vs Gnomes The Grand Tournament. Welcome to the 253 rd edition of the Data Reaper Report! Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. Une fois installé, cet « addon » permet de créer, d'importer ou d'exporter ses listes ainsi que d'avoir un overlay en jeu pour suivre plus facilement certaines informations importantes. g. You can then see all your burgled & played cards in "other". Besides, the interface is kinda old and boring so I'm looking for something new to use. RenSempai. I have Hearthstone working, and. Too Bad you need overwolf for this, it's pure bloatware. Welcome to the 261 st edition of the Data Reaper Report! This is the first report for Festival of Legends and discusses data following the nerfs to Construct Quarter, Lightray and Vengeful Walloper. not sure If it's auto hook when HS starts of I'm doing something wrong. In addition to tracking wins and losses, Deck. Copy Deck. The Boomsday Project has ushered in a meta that is quite similar to the Witchwood meta after the balance changes. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. May 25, 2023. The tracker tries to automatically select the deck you are playing. Share Your Data. Share Your Data. Firestone has more features for tracking your games and more detailed statistics which is awesome, but it's such a pain to use. Enable Capture Cursor. Share Your Data. I've had them bug out and refuse to work after a couple of updates. Welcome to the 260 th edition of the Data Reaper Report! This is the final report for March of the Lich King. Closed. Firestone; Hearthstone Deck Tracker; Contributor Info Request; Data Reaper #278. #8 Aug 15, 2020 (Scholomance Academy) HS_trash. Class/Archetype Distribution; Class Frequency by Day/Week; Deck Matchup Winrates; vS Meta Score;. Get PC download link. How to Solve Hearthstone Deck Tracker Not Working. Now start it again and it should work. Set Window Match Priority to Window title must match. Add a new Chroma Key filter. Thanks friends. The Firestone App is part of the multi-game overlay tool Overwolf. The simplest way to explain what the Firestone App is, would be to compare it to the other popular Hearthstone tool, Hearthstone Deck Tracker. The latest version of Hearthstone Deck Tracker should download automatically. Hearthstone Deck Tracker is a free app to help you play like the pros.